Monday, April 24, 2006

Saying "No"

I've always had the hardest time saying "no" to people. I would feel bad for not wanting to do something, so I'd either say yes or make up an excuse to why I couldn't. Either way it's a lie to the person and to myself. I've learned that if we can't say "no" to people, we aren't being true to our own wants and needs. We aren't here to make other people happy, though it is a nice thought. If everyone took responsibility for their own happiness, we wouldn't hurt feelings by saying "no." It would be understood that the answer "no" says, "I'm just taking care of myself. It has NOTHING to do with you."

Saying "no" is empowering and it's something I'm still working on. There's been so many instances that I've found myself battling my intuition against my ego, which turns into the feeling of guilt. If we're going to choose something that is driven by our own intuition and doesn't negatively affect someone else, we shouldn't have to feel guilty for it. Instead, we should feel strong and proud of ourselves for choosing "me."


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