Monday, April 24, 2006

I didn't feel like...

I go to the gym a lot so it leaves me with a bunch of laundry to do weekly. I didn't feel like doing laundry I did it anyway and now I have clean clothes for tomorrow!


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So want to share a bit of my experience this week. After the seminar on Thursday I was intent on doing the homework. It was the push I needed to clean up some things in my life. See, I have always been a very private person, more than that I could not even speak up when a waiter got my order wrong let alone when a good friend hurt me. I didn’t think I was good enough to speak my truth. I bottled every thing up and without even knowing it was poisoning myself. So I started with something big and told a old friend why we could not be together (after 4 years of avoiding them it was about time I gave this gift). After that something was charged in me and it no longer became a question of if and how to be up front with people but when and with what integrity. I found my self the past few days telling my old roommate why I really quit acting. Coming forward with my new roommate about something she said that hurt me (which it turned out I was wrong and completely miss read the comment. If I had not spoken with her about it, I would have been plagued and damaged by the comment and what I made it mean indefinitely and it would have created a major rift between me and my roommate/best friend). I spoke with my Dad telling him I wished he called more, and told him why my mom makes me feel powerless. I pushed him about landmark till he finally said he’d consider going. I told my good friend she is making the choice to ruin her life her boyfriends aren’t doing it. Plus a host of smaller things. It is so much easier than I thought and powerful!! That Energy Jamie mentioned that comes when you begin taking action is real and vital. Each time I stepped up to the plate and was authentic with someone I was charged with energy. I feel as though I have unleashed the possibility of control in my life, instead of life happening to me as people dictate my fate and emotions, I have the power to take control of those emotions and what I choose to do with day to day life. I am good enough to speak up! I feel Good, and inspired to keep up the homework. If you haven’t started it yet, I say start small, tell your husband, roommate, girlfriend to take out the trash or something, and use that to propel you into more and more instances of authenticity.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Julie Neumark said...

right on, kelly! i strive to live my life just this way but even after I have taken that step of being authentic I still must rally inside of myself to do it again....and again.....and again! Thank you for the reminder and the inspiration!


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