Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Terrible Sleep

I had the worst sleep last night, which was unfortunate being that it was my first night back home in two weeks. Man, I couldn't stop tossing and turning, it was almost like I wasn't even tired at all. Then Quinn and Riley decide to get up at 2 in the morning because they want to be fed. Gina was so tired, she didn't realize the time and went to feed them anyway. The noise woke Emmitt, so I had to take him out to go potty. A couple hours later, Quinn and Riley began barking like crazy, walking around the house, making SO MUCH NOISE! Emmitt, then, had to go outside again due to his upset tummy, not sure what that's about. I tried to go back to sleep and woke up again to Quinn being a weirdo. Finally, I did fall asleep, but it wasn't a good one. It was that kind that feels very heavy, like I'm kind of aware but can't wake up. I'm dreaming and know I'm dreaming, but I feel extremely lethargic. Not sure if that's a familiar state to any of you, but I don't like it. It makes me feel even more tired after I literally have to drag myself out of bed. Blahhhhhhhh!


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