Monday, August 28, 2006

They're home!

My clients came home last night, they were shocked to see how different their dogs were. In fact, the Mrs. told me I should be on the Jay Leno Show, she was amazed to how calm they were, how well they were listening to each command, and just being with all 5 dogs in the room. Apparently, that never happens without chaos and a lot of barking. Her husband felt the same way, he kept telling me what a fantastic job I did. I had goosebumps, I've never been acknowledged like that from people I work for. When I was a teacher, those compliments rarely came from the administrators, only fellow teachers, which was nice but not as satisfying. To see their gratitude, the appreciation, the way they lit up as each dog was doing something they never thought possible, was an awesome feeling. I felt like I really made a huge contribution to these people's lives, a feeling that will not soon be forgotten. Two weeks of isolation and handling 4 dogs at once was well worth their reactions! YAY!


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Josh said...

And the cash isn't bad either! Great job baby! I'm very proud of you. : )


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