Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Passion and Happiness

I made a huge decision last year regarding my teaching career. I obviously did this before I began the venture I'm on. With that, I do have to take some credit for being "real" to myself.

As I mentioned before, I wasn't happy teaching...I never felt the passion even after 5 years of doing it. I have an out-of-state teaching credential, so in order for me to extend it...I'd have to go through a fifth year of school. I really thought about it long and hard, wondering if I was making the "right" decision. I decided that going through a fifth year, going into debt, for something I couldn't see myself doing for the next 25 years seemed wasteful.

Two weeks ago, I told my principal that I wasn't coming back next year. It felt great, especially now that I have a better understanding of what I want out of life- passion and happiness. I feel that passion and happiness with this blog. I'm constantly thinking of new ideas, what I can do to bring more traffic to my site, and writing. That's how I know it does exist in me. I will continue on substitute teaching until I figure out what I'm going to do next...and that in itself excites me to no end.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Martin said...



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