Being Present
I understand what it means to be present now. It's shutting off those voices and really focusing on what's being said; being aware of who's around; and acknowledging the person who is speaking rather than our selves. Being present is the key to any kind of success because it keeps us in the moment, observing what needs to happen next or what needs to be said next. It feels good to be present because when we are, the focus is off our insecurities and we can give the gift of listening to the person or persons who are asking for it.
My story: It was Saturday afternoon during my Advanced Course, and it was right after I figured out my "act." I started to feel better about what just happened, even though I was still very emotional. We went inside to regroup after our break and Gale, our leader, asked if anyone had a miracle to share. I instantly raised my hand, knowing that I found my "act" and not many others had yet. I went up there, feeling completely relaxed, without a care in the world about what others thought about me. I was being present. I was being present to my "act" of having to be perfect. I was being present to all 104 faces listening to me. I was being present to Gale, coaching me for others to get what we were all there for. I was being "Me"...something that I needed in order for me to succeed in public speaking. I get it now.
Hey Jamie - thank you again!! I'm really excited about the Forum. I'm looking forward to it and very excited!!! I hope that I get what you all are feeling!! Have a great day!!! Amee
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