Monday, May 22, 2006


Self-love is the most important love to have. If we don't have it, then all of those negative feelings and emotions eventually come out in one form or another. Making undeserved judgments on people is a perfect example. Anger and acting it out towards other people is another. If human beings accepted and loved themselves, our world would be meaningless, empty, and joyful. People would take responsibility for their lives instead of telling others how to live. We would be able to have great conversations, without offending someone for having a different point of view. We would teach and learn from each other, something that is so needed in our world right now. Acceptance would be like riding a bike, we wouldn't have to think about why we should like or dislike a person. Arguments would be settled in a short amount of time opposed to days, months, and/or years because criticism would be seen as a personal growth tool and not taken personally. We would be forgiving, not holding grudges because we'd understand that people make mistakes...we're all human. We'd trust each other and violence wouldn't be accepted. Working together to make our communities great and successful would be a reality. We would accomplish anything we put our minds to, even if its as big as changing the world. After all, one person can make a significant difference...remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? He had self love, a vision, and found people who would listen.

If we want and expect our world to change, to be happier and needs to start with us, as individuals. We need to find our own self-love in order to give it to others.



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