Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Safe Life

I live a safe life. I love my life, but I don't like how safe I live it. I wanna be a risk taker, someone who lives impulsively, but in a responsible way (Meaning, I don't want to become homeless, hurt myself, or anyone else due to my behavior). I USED to live like that, not sure what changed, probably stress, but I definitely live on the cautious side now. I can only imagine all the places I would've visited and all the things I woud've seen if I wasn't such a thinker. I need to stop living by my ego and do the things I want to do without the approval of others. I mean, it is MY life, MY choices, MY way of living. Nobody has the right to tell me what to do or how I should be, so it shouldn't even be a concern.

I've done many things in my life without approval. For instance, me getting married. Oh yeah, as the big day got closer, I don't think there was one person who thought it was a good idea, but I did it anyway. Hmmm, maybe that's why I lost that freedom to myself, it was ME who made the choice and it sure didn't end well. Ha! I chose to teach in South Central too, when I could've taught anywhere. If that's not being a risk taker, I don't know what is. I quit teaching even though my family wasn't 100% sure about it. They were just worried for my future, but I still did it anyway. I knew what was right and wrong for me and I'm pretty sure they get that now. Even Landmark was quite a topic at first. Nobody gave me that approval, but I did it anyway. I knew I could use it, I knew it was for me, I felt it in my gut. That's how I know I can live like this, I've done it many times before. I previously wrote how stubborn I am, I can totally be a risk taker if I want to be. Maybe it's that I unknowingly made a choice to play it safe, the risk wasn't appealing. Now, that I see what life can offer, I totally want to play that game!


At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live a safe life too. I don't take that many risks, I wish I would but too scared, I don't know, maybe too lazy/unmotivated. I guess you could say moving to San Diego was a big risk but I really haven't done anything different with my life that i wouldn't have done in Ohio. I feel by not taking risks i'm leading a boring life, like i'm wasting it. That makes me sad but I still don't do anything to change it.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Josh said...

I think that part of no longer making wildly inappropriate choices has a lot to do with maturity. It seems that the more mature we become the more logical our thought process is and the less risky we become. I support your desire to be more spontaneous and adventurous. After all...isn't that what life's about?!?


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