We're funny.

We just had a traumatic thing happen, followed along with being truly authentic. Riley, the Miniature Pinscher had to go outside to do her business. If you know about these little dogs, they run out of fear and will keep running until something stops them and will do anything for food. We've had quite a few scares with Riley getting loose, but found a new way to coax her back. We have this dog container, full of dog treats, that sings "Who Let The Dogs Out"when its opened up. It's funny and I'll tell you why...
One day, Riley got out and we couldn't get her back. We thought she was going to be hit by a car, to the point where Gina ran to the street and started singing, "Who let the dogs out...woof, woof, woof, woof." She did it over and over again, in such a stressful tone, it was like the most hilarious thing we still talk about today. She was singing out of desperation, a sound that we'll never forget and it totally worked, she was in survival mode. As soon as Riley heard Gina singing those words, she turned around and came right back to the house for a treat. Hysterical.
Tonight, Riley had to go outside and Jill let her out in the front. As soon as she put her down, Riley booked out of our yard. Jill yelled, which caught all of our attention and we immediately knew it was Riley. One by one, we all went out to sing the song automatically, it was the first instinct we had. Calen went first singing, I was second, and then Gina came out singing with the container. It was really funny. We didn't care how stupid we looked or sounded, we were on a mission. Riley responded as soon as she finished pooping and came back to us. After that, it was instant laughter to how ridiculous we sounded. It was awesome...haha!
I am so glad Riley came back. I love that puppy!
Glad to hear that everyone's safe and sound.
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