Monday, January 22, 2007


For the most part, I write from my own experiences, thoughts, and emotions, to share them with all of you that come to my blog. I'll also write about a conversation I had or something I heard and attach some of my own insight to it. But there are those times when I see something that inspires me to write a post. It could be positive or negative, depending on what's happening in the moment. My previous post was one of those...

I saw something that was really disturbing and I couldn't help but write about it. I had to write it out as I do with anything else that goes on in my head. I'm a blogger and that's what bloggers do and I'm not about to hold back because someone doesn't agree...or in this case, might see it. Normally, I would move on and post the next thing, but I'm going with my gut on this one and addressing something that severely needs to be addressed or egomaniacs are going to have head explosions and we wouldn't want that;)

Landmark teaches humanity and in humanity, humanitarians stand for other people. That's what my purpose was, that's what my purpose is, and that's not going to change. When I wrote the previous post, I had one intention and it wasn't to discuss how my feelings got hurt. Besides making a new challenge for myself, it actually had nothing to do with me...even though someone, of course, took it as it did. I was sending a message. I know sometimes they can be direct, it just really depends how it gets interpreted, whether one can step back and take it for what it is...or go out for a "blog" revenge. Who knows? Who cares? Who has time? Not me. End of Story.


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