Monday, May 15, 2006

Don't Force It

I previously stated that I wasn't feeling creative this morning. I chose not to sit here and force it because my writing will lack substance. I think that applies to life as well. When we force something that isn't ready, the end product may not be as good or genuine. It also can build up a good excuse to quit or not follow through with our word. If we force our selves to work out and diet when we're clearly not in a position to succeed, than it makes it easy to say, "Hey, I didn't want to do this in the first place." Bam! Right back into that vicious cycle of going against our word, feeling hopeless, and living that story that we're incapable. If we force a relationship that isn't working, usually it brings unnecessary resentment and anger to the table, rather than happiness and joy. If we force someone to do something they are resistant to, the end result could be detrimental and we'd be left feeling regretful, disappointed, and sorry. I think when things are ready to happen...we just know. Our intuition is our message that it's time to take action and that's when we should proceed.


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Josh said...

I agree. There is no use trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. It just doesn't work.


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