A Seminar Racket
I have a Landmark Seminar tonight. I'm so over them because I don't feel that I'm getting anything out of it. Our leader is great, my group is wonderful, but I don't care for the drive anymore and the seminar topic isn't one that I need at this point. I feel that I handle my breakdowns and breakthroughs appropriately, especially with the support system that I have at home. I'm kind of annoyed by it, which is a racket that I'm aware of. It's just a long 3 hours to sit when there's nothing to benefit from. There's 2 things that keeps me going. My integrity is the first one because I made a committment from the beginning when I signed up. (Ten seminars are included with the Forum. They aren't mandatory unless you choose to go. ) The second one is my group because I love and I also made a committment to them as well. This will be the 7th one...3 more to go after tonight.
So put something at stake. Create something in the next 3 sessions. The promised outcome is that your natural ability to create breakthroughs on demand will be unleashed. So unleash away, girl!
Challenge 1
Invent a breakthrough for yourself. My suggestion -- Jamie goes on a Southern California speaking tour about Alpacas. Or it can be something more impoortant than that even -- like a challenge to see how many superhot women you can set your friend Martin up with... You know.. pick something fun!
Challenge 2
Create a superduper HUGE breakthrough... like -- book yourself for a speech at the Staples Centre at the Alpaca convention... So you can have a breakdown about what the hell you are going to say to 19,000 people.
I mean, you're going to sit there for 3 hours, right? Think you might be more interested with some skin in the game?
FYI -- I am so full of it. Halfway through the seminar, when I was looking at you ... I was being fed up with the seminar... I was only there because of my word tonight....
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