Friday, June 16, 2006

Last Seminar

I had my last seminar last night. I'm excited that I don't have to go anymore, but it did feel weird that it was over. Some of these people, I probably won't ever see again. It's a little sad, we've been going through our life transformations together for almost 4 months now. I wish nothing but the best for those who participated in my seminar. From what I got, I can see nothing but good things happening to these people. Everyone changed for the better, including myself. I found my creative side, while learning what integrity was about. I interacted with people I never thought would be my friends, but now I can't imagine them not being in my life. Wanda, Etty, Cesar, Kelly, Jeraline, and Walter are the people who made this seminar work for me. They were my group, they were my support. They all have won a special place in my heart and I'm confident that we'll keep in touch, making sure we're still on the right track to a happy life.


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