Thursday, January 04, 2007

Good Gossip

I went to Perez Hilton's blog this morning and usually I'll just read and catch up on all the celebrity gossip, uncaring for the targeted, not thinking twice about their lives, and how people like us affect them. I actually got angry for a moment, the disgusting idea that has this blog being so successful. Perez Hilton, along with people like Kathy Griffin, and all the gossip magazines literally make money off of other's misery, painting them as if they don't have feelings or go through the same struggles as we do. I get that celebrities sign up to be in the spotlight, it's the path they choose, but why do we have the right to degrade them once they get there? Why do we feed off of the negative, do we feel they deserve it because they make mistakes just like every other human being who aren't famous? Yes, there are a few that intentionally do things in front of the camera for attention, but that's justification there's a problem and instead of feeding into their story, we ignore it so it stops. If the attention isn't what they hoped for, there wouldn't be a reason for them to keep doing it, and then maybe they would pull their shit together. If not, who cares!?! Seriously, I can't imagine going through a messy divorce, having a weight or drug problem, or just being in a bad space, while having the world commenting on it constantly. YES...I get that they signed up for it; however you never hear about the good that celebrities do. In fact, I remember reading about Sean Penn and Al Gore in New Orleans, rescuing survivors after Hurricane Katrina hit. Now THAT was a story that gave me goosebumps and I wanted to read more because it was so amazing and selfless of them to be there. They were being Americans, genuine human beings, that were able to step outside of themselves and give to humanity. I bet many celebrities live like this, but we wouldn't know it because it's never reported. We're too focused on them not looking their best, doing their best, and living their best. Why not take the negative and turn it into good? Why not use encouragement instead of bashing them until they can't get up again. Why not say "you can do it" instead of "you're too fucked up right now and your career is over?" That's what I'm going to do. My SELP project just took to a more focused turn, now that I know there's already "Good" web sites and magazines out there that report on world news...I was a bit frustrated when I found this out. Now, we will be the "Good Entertainment Tonight," the US "Good" Magazine, that will write all positive stories and spins about the celebrity world, to show that not everyone enjoys kicking them when they're is down. This may sound cheesy, like I'm a bit of a "star fucker," but that's okay because this could be really fun!

So...I need writers and people who want to take this on! Email if you're interested!


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