My Project
My SELP coach and leader have been on my ass about finding a project and getting it passed. Even though I’m a coach, I’m still required to have one for my own self-empowerment and to live in my participant’s world for the purpose of staying related. I’ve been putting it off since I began the course as a coach, I was frustrated because no inspiring ideas were coming easily and I wanted to work on expanding Thank Dog! instead. I’ve been very resistant on “getting off it,” with the hopes that I wouldn’t have to complete one and I can go about my life and still coach at the same time. It wasn’t until I spoke to Doris, our SELP leader, on the phone that my attitude totally changed. I allowed myself to get into the space that a project is what needs to happen in order for me to complete this course and to be the coach that I want to be. Then all of a sudden, the universe spoke and the perfect project came to mind. It all began on a negative day in
As Jill, Gina, Carrie, and I walked the streets of Lower
Carrie came up with the idea, we all loved it so much at the time but somewhere it got lost in the shuffle and we haven’t talked about it since…not until now anyway. She said, “We should create a newspaper that writes nothing but all good news, inspiring articles, and positive stories.” It was brilliant, a fantastic way to be in this world, trying to make a difference while putting a smile on people’s faces. I loved it! I was totally on board, which is why it came up for me as a possible project. Not only does it give me an excuse to keep writing, but it gives others a chance to share their stories, contribute to a positive way of thinking, and literally feel good while living in the moment of each word that is being written.
The Challenge: Okay so now, I have to figure out how to do this. Jill and I researched websites yesterday that unknowingly had the same idea, but seemed to be rather boring. Yes, I too am guilty of wanting the dirt, knowing the negative, and will lose interest rather quickly if the content is overly cheesy and doesn’t seem like a reality. However, this perception is good to have in this venture because it gives me an opportunity to come up with a new writing style that will bring all of us negative readers to the positive side of what life is really about. With that being said...I would love to hear your ideas and possible stories that you'd like to write. Email me if anything comes to mind, I'm going to need all the help I can get and would love for you all to be apart of it. Thanks!
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