My wonderful older sister Kristen signed up for the Forum and will be flying to LA at the end of this month to complete it. It's so great! She'll be coming home to us every night to talk about what she got during her long days of "self" boot camp. It couldn't be anymore perfect because the four of us have found that the REAL Landmark doesn't occur until we're surrounded by our loved ones and are given the opportunity to share with one another. We all popped this way. As I said before, transformation only occurs in language so in order to believe and live by what is learned, we have to share and thankfully Kristen will be doing that with us. My household is very skilled in this area now so as long as a participant is willing...we can listen, share, and coach anyone to really get what the Landmark Forum is about. I'm very excited for her and I have no doubt that she's going to kick some ass! WOOHOO!
How fun! I FINALLY get to meet the big sis. Holla! I'm excited and am creating the possibility and taking a stand for a wonderful transformation for her. Looking forward to meeting you Kristen.:)
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