Just thinkin...
I have a really great life. For me to be insecure is silly. My family rocks.My friends are the best. I have a wonderful dog.I'm writing this blog, which I feel very passionate about, the kind of passion that I've craved for.I'm very healthy.I'm working out. I just got two cool tattoos.I have a world of possibilities regarding my future career. So what's the problem? There is none. Or maybe its greed...I want more. Okay, so if I want more, why am I feeling bad about it? Why not live in the moment, enjoy what I have and create a pathway to where I want to be? Yup, that sounds good to me!
"I beg you....to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were books written in a very foriegn language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be give you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer.....
Rainer maria Rilke
Don't you just love a good quote?!! I have always been fascinated by the power of words. Group them in a particular way and you have created inspiration. Is there anything better?
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