My family.
I got a call from my mom's friend yesterday evening and she left a lengthy and very sweet message. I haven't heard from her in a long time so it was good to hear her voice. She was saying how happy she was because she heard that I am in a really good place right now and that she loved me. And then she began recalling everything that has gone wrong in my life, in a good way, and how proud she is that I've been able to overcome it. Happy to say, I think my mom was bragging about me. I don't know how else she would've known all that she did otherwise. My mom loves me and she's proud...I love that!
I have the best family. I wouldn't have been able to do the things or go through the things I have without them. They impact my daily life, which inspires to keep pushing forward to improve myself and the situations around me. I am a lucky lady to have come from such a loving family like the one I have. Not many people can say that and that's why I feel a need to acknowledge it. To my parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, and my neice and nephew: I love you all to pieces!
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