Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rackets! Rackets! Rackets!

Man, what a weird mood I'm in. I was feeling good and then I got home and suddenly felt anxious, stressed out and fearful. I started thinking, "What if I run out of things to write about? What if I get boring? I haven't gone hiking this week! I've been to the gym...does that count? What am I going to do? I still have phase 2 on my challenge for Accoyo to complete! Shit! I can't tonight, I'll do it tomorrow! Emmitt still hasn't started phase 2 yet...that's tomorrow too! much to do now! My apostrophe/ quotation key fell off my keyboard...dammit! That is SO annoying! My head hurts..."


At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww! i've so been there (and continue to be quite often). i hope that our little night of juvenile fun made your head feel better, at least until the hangover sets in hee hee.......
ps - you are freakishly strong, lol


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