Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I went hiking with the dogs today and holy crap was it hot! At one point, I wasn't sure if we were going to make it back down in a reasonable time. It was cool though, as I got to the top of the biggest hill at Runyan, I instantly began talking to this woman. I don't know why, it was just so inviting and she was drawn to me as well. It was a lot of small talk, she was visiting from Chicago and is actually leaving today. As we parted, I felt really good, kind of refreshed. You know that feeling when you talk to a complete stranger, the joy it can bring. I think it has to do with people in general. Genuine people make me happy. I can literally be in a bad mood, but as soon as some realness comes my way, it's an easy spirit booster for me. This is why I love life, why I love people, why I love being free. You never know who or what you're going to run into. It's an adventure and it's one I feel blessed to be a part of.


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