My sister-in-law brought up an interesting point today about how strong minds can be. I was hospitalized for major surgery about a year and a half ago. I had 3 IVs in my arm at a time, pumping me full of chemicals. I was freaked out because I felt so unhealthy and completely out of my mind. One night, my sis-in-law volunteered to stay the night with me because I was afraid to sleep alone and I couldn't relax or get comfortable. She actually lay in my hospital bed with me, holding me with the hopes I would finally get some sleep. I refused because I feared that I wouldn't wake up so that's when more drugs came into play. It took 2 rounds of IV Ativan on top of my mass amounts of Morphine to knock me out. And still, I only slept for 3 hours at the most.
My point is that all those crazy drugs BARELY beat my mind. I convinced myself that nothing could make me sleep and I almost made it happen. Minds are powerful and they need to be used wisely or else you won't sleep for a month like me...HA!
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