Second Family
I wrote about how great my immediate family is. I didn't go into detail in my first mention of them, but I most likely will as I write more and more everyday. What I do want to talk about right now is family in general. I've heard many stories about terrible childhoods and family drama and I feel for those people because I can't relate and it's really not my place to offer advice or share my opinions for that reason. But, I do feel that I have a new approach for a happy family...a "second" family.
I, in fact, do have a "second" family because my immediate family does not reside in CA. I live with three of my family members and four live near by. I say this is my family because we support each other, spend a great amount of time together and would drop anything to help one another out...just like a family. I love them dearly and can't imagine my life without them. Our family formed because each of us has such high standards from friendship to just surrounding ourselves with good quality people. Some can look at it as us being too picky, bitchy or isolating, but the reality of it is we like to feel good about ourselves and by putting negative energy in the circle, that's a sure way to exhaust the success that we've created. We lift each other up and continue to grow stronger individually and as a group.
My point:If you are not happy with your own family and you choose not to participate in their lives for support, then turn to your circle of friends. Choose people that can take you higher than you are, support you when you need it, and push you when things get tough. Essentially, that's what a family does and that's why it's so important to be selective and aware when creating your "family" circle.
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