Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Happiness = Empowerment

I feel really powerful today. I'm not sure what clicked with me within the last 24 hours but something did and it's awesome. I've lacked this feeling for almost two weeks now, so it's really good to have it back. I feel present and in the moment, which makes it possible to shut those voices up to just be "Me." I am full of energy, almost like I'm bouncing off the walls, and I feel that I have a lot to contribute today. Nothing is going to bring me down because the only one that matters in this moment is "Me." I have control and I want to be happy so that's what I'm doing. It seems like a huge statement, like it isn't possible to JUST be happy because I want to be, but that's really how simple it is. If we choose to be happy and make it a possibility, then we'll own it and live it just like we would if we're sad and depressed. It's easier to take the negative route because human beings are programmed that way. Finding happiness rewards us with the power of living an exciting and fulfilling life. It opens our eyes to new opportunity in a world that we've never noticed before. It's a dream that takes place in reality and it's one that we can all choose to live.

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