Thursday, July 27, 2006

Embracing Tragedy

Yeah, that's right you Mofo! You tried to get me the day I was born, I wasn't gonna let you win! I was only a minute old and you thought you had me. 1% chance of living because my bowels burst...whatever! Try 100% chance of kicking your ass ! I saw my life for what it's worth and I made a choice that you weren't going to take it away from me. My mind was already set, the minute I kicked Jill's head out for a breather. I knew what I wanted and I always get my way because I'm unstoppable, a twin on a mission! You think I'd let Jill go on the adventure of life alone after spending a little more than 7 months together? Think again dumb ass, you didn't know who you were messin with!

Oh, it's you again! Showing your face 17 years later, what's up with that? Who is it that wants me so badly because I am NOT ready to go! Life is too good, I'm having fun, so you'd better get off me now! Surgery? Whatever, take what you need but you're not getting me, I'm here to stay. Haha, I still have half anyway...babies are in my future! I'll fight you till the end you coward, I'm not afraid of you! I'm stronger than you think, you mean nothing to me besides the three weeks of my life you wasted. That's okay, it's not for much longer, I'm outta here, but I'm sure we'll run into each other soon. But until then, you can kiss my ass because I have a worthy life to live!

Damn, I knew you'd be back, I've been dreading this moment for awhile. It's just like you to come at the lowest of the lows, a time when my world is crumbling down. I guess this is your way for revenge, trying to show me up and all that! I have to give you credit though, hysterectomy...that was pretty good. It almost worked too, I talked myself into staying in the hospital for a month! My fear took over and you scared me to death, I never thought I was leaving. You're good at what you do, playing these mind games, making me feel like my body was dead. Thankfully, I reminded myself that it wasn't so, I was still alive for a reason. That day, on Nov. 18th, I defeated you...they finally let me out of prison. And, even though, you still lingered on, I GOT my tools and laid you to rest because THAT is who I am. And, I've got the battle wounds to show for it!

How do ya like me now be-otch!?! HA!

(Thanks Gina, that was fun!)


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Halleluer! (I got that from Oprah)

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fucking rocked! You tell em sista!

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am laughing my ass off...
You people are out of control! :)


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