Thursday, July 13, 2006


I cooked a lasagna dinner tonight for Gina and Calen's Landmark completion and graduation. Jill and Josh both should've been included, since we didn't have one for them. I felt bad when everyone arrived, as soon as I gave Gina and Calen their cards...I realized I never gave one to Jill and Josh. It's a big deal, the journey they went through. I'm acknowledging that right now. I love them both dearly, I'm sorry there wasn't more.

As we were opening up the champagne, Josh hands me a letter. He told me to read it out loud to the group; it was Me, Calen, Gina, and Jill at the moment....Marisa was outside. I went along with the request, unknowing of what it said. The letter was from Josh, of course I was going to read it! I began reading and half way through, I immediately got choked up. It was an amazing letter, I was truly touched. I knew it was from his heart, I wouldn't have reacted this way otherwise. I cried, which is so out of character for me. My unfamiliar action made me think: If it wasn't for Marisa, there would be no letter. Marisa is the reason I did Landmark. Marisa is the reason why I was able to share the gift of life to my awesome and loving friends.

Thank you Josh, you have no idea how much that affected me.

Thank you Marisa, for bringing Landmark into my life.


At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you for that acknowledgement. And thank YOU, for having the open mind that you did about Landmark. It has been a true pleasure to be a part of your journey...and your life. I love all of you, dearly.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Josh said...

It's my pleasure baby and you are most welcome. : )


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