Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another breakthrough weekend

HAHA! This happens to me every time! I feel that Kristen was the last piece of the puzzle to my whole Landmark experience. Her name came up many times for me during each course that I have taken. I resisted calling her, only because I didn't know why and what I was going to say. What I got from this weekend is acknowledging my resentment towards her. We used to be the best of friends all through college, up to the point when I moved. After Jill and I lived in California for awhile, our relationship drifted and neither of us knew why. I'd go home for a visit, not wanting to be there because I felt Kristen didn't approve of me anymore. While I was living that story, she was living a different one, which made her get that I didn't want to be there. It turned into a whole lot of resentment and sadness. I, subconsciously, cut her out of my life due to my act of "You're not the boss of me!" After all, I felt rejection from the person who I looked up to the most..."You're not the boss of me anymore, here I'll show you!"

It felt really great getting it all out in the open. Both of us have been carrying this around for almost 7 years and never talked about it once. We both used the excuse, "Oh, we don't talk much. We're not that close anymore." Wow, how ridiculous is that!?! We both laughed after we shared the stories we've been living about each other. I feel like we got our sisterly love back and now we have two more days of fun couldn't be any sweeter.


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