It's MY life.
Gay Pride starts this week in West Hollywood. Usually it's a celebration for people who are living their lives authentically, but instead we're in a constant battle with "followers," ignorance, and inexperienced people in this world. Tomorrow Congress will be voting on a Constitutional Amendment that will ban gay marriage. It's so disappointing to me that people who are for it, are those who have no idea what "gay" is. They don't get that it's NOT a choice, that we are who we are. They don't get that gay is only about love and nothing else.
How does my being with another woman affect you? You don't even know who I am. Why do you get to say what's good for me in my life? Nobody has that right but Me, I don't tell you what to do. Why does it bother you so much to see two people in love? There's so much hate and violence in this world, love is what we need right now. Why are you scared of the unfamiliar? Be strong for your fellow citizens, your family, and/or your friends... gay people are not going away. Are you afraid that if gay couples marry, that you'll turn gay? That must be it. After all, you're placing judgments and opinions on something you know nothing about. If you did, you'd see that we're just regular people who want to find love and commitment just as much as YOU!
Tags: Gay, Lesbian, Gay Marriage,
Gay pride here we come!
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