Sunday, July 16, 2006

Just one of the guys...not really.

Yesterday was a long day, but I am really excited! I saw some familiar faces from my Advanced Course, so that was nice. I made some new buddies to hang out with, Hugo, in particular. It's so weird, I was telling Gina last night when I got home how it was just me and the guys the whole time, as always. I don't think it really has to do with us both liking the girls; after all, most of the time the guys are gay, ha! No, it's been like that my whole life and it never seems to change. Jill and Gina are the same way, obviously, when you look at our circle of friends, we're surrounded by all men. It's fun, there tends to be less drama that way and I find the connection to be a lot quicker. I'm not saying I don't have many girlfriends because I do! I have very close friends who are girls, but when you put me in an unfamiliar place, I naturally tend to gravitate towards the men. For instance, at dinner it was 5 men and little old me sitting at the table. To make it even more ironic, 3 of the men were gay and I didn't know it until conversation began.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Josh said...

Funny, that's how I am with the girls. LOL


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