I just went and had a wonderful lunch with an old friend, Pia. We haven't sat down and had a real conversation for almost 5 years now. It was really great to see her, to hear how she's been, to catch up after so much lost time. I think we'll see a lot more of each other, it was such a relaxing afternoon. The vibe was good and conversation was exceptionally easy, I can't wait to do it again!
I'm really trying to make an effort to balance my life with more social opportunities. I have the time and I definitely have a want for it. I'm craving people, I want more of them in my life. As soon as this job is over, I'm going to set aside some mini adventures and have some fun! Lucky me gets to start with a trip to New York and don't forget my 30th birthday! I'm ready to expand my life in so many ways, I'm ready to kick some ass!
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