Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ONLY my opinion.

I am a spiritual being. I believe we all have a soul, we're spirits who are made of energy. I believe that god is energy, that's why god is within each and everyone of us. That's why I don't believe in organized religion, I don't feel that I get my power from above, I get it from within. I love myself and EVERYTHING about me, I'm gay and god is still within me. There are no judgements from authentic human beings, the claim that there are, is hypocritical to the teachings. All of us should be concerned with one life and one life only, and that is our own. Organized religion causes more hate than anything else in life. It discriminates, judges, and dictates the natural way of being. I don't see anything wrong with going to church, saying prayers, and believing in heaven and hell. I just don't agree that it's a universal belief, I believe we're eternal spirits, some in a body, some not. I believe that prayers are for the universe to answer and heaven and hell are a state of mind. We create our own destiny and nobody will tell me where I'm going because it's up to me. I am the driver, the creator, the mother of my own life.


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