Hehe. I am totally blogging from my hospital room. Gina brought my laptop over and connected me to the wireless...why not make the best of my situation, right? RIGHT! I'm actually in a really good place, I feel very positive and I'm not scared at all. I'm just going with the flow no matter what comes my way because that's what I have to do in order for me to get out of here.
So here's what happened: For the past few days, anytime I would eat something solid, I'd get nauseous and it made me question what was going on, but not fully. I had hints here and hints there, but I didn't think it was anything to worry about. I mean haven't I had enough already!?! It wasn't until dinner time yesterday that I really felt like something was wrong. Jill made pasta, a meal we have regularly, and it wasn't sitting with me well. I curled up on the couch, hoping that the cramping would go away, but they were only getting worse.
It was about 9pm when I got up and told the room I was going to bed, that I wasn't okay, and I needed to rest. Throughout the night, I tossed from one side to the other, sleeping on my back, and trying to get as comfortable as I could. Nothing was working. The pain and nausea just kept elevating, to the point where I approached Gina in tears, I couldn't take it anymore. She convinced me to sleep on the couch and then went to bed saying if I needed anything, to wake her up.
It was about 1:30 a.m. and that's when the pain reached a point to where I knew something wasn't right. I went into Jill and Gina's room crying, hunched over because I couldn't walk any other way. Just as Jill sat up in bed, I vomited all over the floor and couldn't stop until I reached the toilet. It was terrible, a feeling I've NEVER felt before. My whole body went into shock because of how hard I was throwing up...it hurt so bad.
Then, we got to the Glendale Emergency room and signed in. After several minutes of excruciating pain, I am so miserable that I begin crying to the receptionist, begging her to call me in. She wouldn't budge...it's against policy. I didn't know what to do after that, I went into the ladies bathroom and began throwing up again. My whole body was tingling, going into shock because of the severity of what was happening. Jill couldn't take it anymore, she went up to the desk and yelled. She told them that I needed a place to lay, the dirty bathroom floor wasn't acceptable, that I needed something NOW. They finally responded and I was called in to see the doctor. As soon as I laid down on the bed, I was hooked up to an iv and was given Morphine...it was wonderful...hehe. I also got a few X-rays taken, blood work done, and a GI tube inserted. This procedure is putting a tube up the nose and down the throat...not the most pleasant thing in the world, but it had to be done to drain my stomach.
Finally, after spending all morning in the ER, Jill and I had to wait for an ambulance to transport me to my hospital in East LA. We got here around 3 and happy to say that my room rocks! I've had quite a few friends come for a visit and now I'm waiting for my mom and dad's arrival, with a tube in my nose, Morphine in my veins, and a big smile on my face. YAY!